Announcing Mirror Maze!

Mirror Maze Logo

I’ve gone dark on this blog for quite some time now, but I’m coming back out into the light to share my latest project. I’m excited to announce a new mobile game I’ve been working on for many months. Mirror Maze!

Mirror Maze is a fun and challenging new take on maze games. With Mirror Maze, your movements are mirrored as you try to complete mazes of varying complexity and difficulty. Learn more about Mirror Maze over at the marketing page.

I’ve been a mobile developer for many years now, and games have been a fun thing to develop on my own time. But this marks the first time that I’ll have an app out on the App Store, let alone the same app deployed both on Google Play and the App Store. As of this writing, v1.0 of Mirror Maze is published out on Google Play, available for Android users to enjoy, and in private beta testing out on the App Store, available for some my friends with iPhones and iPads to play with and provide feedback. I still have some hoops to jump through before going live on the App Store, but hope to finish jumping through those hoops in the next week or two.

I developed this game using Xamarin and CocosSharp. The process was a mix of lots of fun and lots of frustration. In fact, I learned so much from developing Mirror Maze that I plan to resurrect this blog to write up a series of posts outlining all the things I wish I had known before starting an app with Xamarin and CocosSharp.

Stay tuned!

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